Thursday 28 August 2014


Yesterday the dogs and I went to the children's swing park near our house. It has a big fence around it and I'm pretty sure dogs aren't allowed in it, but there weren't many kids in there so I thought it would be safe to let them in, and they loved it. There is a little climbing trail with a bridge to climb over and stumps that they jumped along, as soon as they finished going round they would run back to the start to do it again! Once they felt they had done enough running and climbing, they started play-fighting- at this point I thought it was time to leave (the last thing I wanted was for an over-protective mother mistaking their playing for aggression!)
On the long walk home the heavens opened and we got drenched in rain- brilliant! But apart from having two sopping-wet and grumpy pups, it was a good day!

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